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- The purpose of A.D.P.C.A.C.C.P.T.S-E.E is to offer a wide field of institutional organization, support and interaction to those professionals who either academically or scientifically or/and in counselling-psychotherapeutic base.
- Are committed to the primary importance of the relationship between the client and the therapist in psychotherapy, counselling and play therapy. They consider the tendency of actualization and the phenomenological world of the client as focal points of the therapeutic practice They integrate to their occupation these conditions and practices that primarily have been formulated and included in the therapeutic movement by Carl Rogers. They comprehend both clients and therapists as persons that are at the same time individuals and also in relation to others as well as to their diverse backgrounds and cultures. They are open to the development and elaboration of Person-Centered and ChildCentered theory in the context of the present and future research and practice.
- This purpose is in accordance to the principles of ADPCA (ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERSON- CENTRED APPROACH - ΕΝΩΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ ΤΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΟΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΕΓΓΙΣΗΣ), PCE Europe (Person Centered and Experiential-Europe ▪ Προσωποκεντρική και Βιωµατική-Ευρώπης), WAPCEPC (World Association for Person Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling - Παγκόσµια Εταιρεία Προσωποκεντρικής και Βιωµατικής Ψυχοθεραπείας και Συµβουλευτικής), APT (Association for Play Therapy –Παγκόσμια Εταιρεία Παιγνιοθεραπείας), PTI (Play Therapy International – Διεθνής Εταιρεία Παιγνιοθεραπείας).
- Regarding psychotherapy the Association acknowledges and accepts the Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy (1990), regarding the aims, the regulations and the criteria of training, retraining and education of the ΝATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR PSYCHOTHERAPY OF GREECE" (N.O.P.G.), the respective national associations for psychotherapy of the countries of South-East Europe as well as the corresponding European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP- Ευρωπαϊκή Εταιρεία Ψυχοθεραπείας). Therefore the Organization accepts the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) as a way of certification of professional Psychotherapists, contributes to the granting and renewal process in collaboration with NOPG and EAP.
- Regarding Counselling the Association acknowledges and accepts the aims, the regulations and the criteria of training, retraining and education of Hellenic Association for Counselling (HAC), as well as the corresponding European Association for Counselling (EACΕυρωπαϊκή Εταιρεία Συµβουλευτικής).
- Regarding Play Therapy the Association acknowledges and accepts the aims, the regulations and the criteria of training, retraining and education of APT (Association for Play Therapy –Παγκόσμια Εταιρεία Παιγνιοθεραπείας) and of PTI (Play Therapy International – Διεθνής Εταιρεία Παιγνιοθεραπείας).
The means of achieving the Association’s purposes are:
- The organization of lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, study groups, discussions, courses and any kind of actions relevant to the training of mental health professionals, psychotherapists, counselors and play therapists.
- The illumination of public opinion regarding matters relevant to Person-Centered Approach, Psychotherapy, Counselling and Play Therapy.
- The submission of programs, proposals and requests to competent authorities
- The close cooperation of the organization with relevant associations, clubs and organizations.
- The publication of documents, journals, and books on topics relevant to the above mentioned subjects
- The granting of scholarships for participation on programs held in Greece or abroad.
- The liaison and cooperation within public or private, European or international organizations and the facilitation of periodic meetings with members of relevant organizations of other countries
- The provision of advisory services to organizations, associations, public or private entities. The organization may use any other appropriate and lawful means to pursue the above mentioned purposes.